Virtually all STIs are treatable and most are easily cured. The key is to get tested and know your status. The process is easier than you think and can be done entirely from home thanks to NDHHS’s partnership with binx health.
Take our medically-guided quiz to help identify which tests are right for you and place your order. Then select your kit and checkout free of charge.
A licensed clinician from NDHHS will review, and if appropriate, approve your order. We’ll send everything you need to collect your samples to your home. Collect and return your sample to the lab within 30-days.
Your sample will be processed by our CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited laboratories and a licensed NDHHS clinician will review your results and recommend appropriate treatment options.
An STI collection kit that you can do on your own time, and in your own space
The process is completely private and comes in discreet packaging.
This test is provided by NDHHS free of charge as a screening. To take advantage of this program, please collect and return your sample within 30-days.
Take our medically guided quiz to help identify which tests are right for you.
Find My TestWe are excited to announce limited availability of ready to pick-up testing kits at select participating pharmacies and community locations. Should you prefer this option you can visit a participating location below or call ahead to confirm availability.
If you are a pharmacy wanting to host a free kit pick-up contact NDHHS at 701-328-2378 or email
Canopy Medical Clinic is based in Fargo, ND. They welcome patients seeking compassionate, confidential and individualized healthcare. They are a small, affirming practice, and welcome all LBGTQIA+ individuals and allies and specialize in Sexual Health and LBGTQIA+ Health.
If your test result comes back positive, a provider from Canopy Medical Clinic will reach out to you from phone number (701) 264-5200 to provide a telehealth consult and discuss treatment options.